Amateur Dramatics in Billesdon

Amateur dramatics has been alive and kicking in Billesdon since 1917 when a group of women formed The Billesdon Womens’ Institute. Very soon they were performing plays and eventually persuaded some of their husbands and men friends to join them.

It was not until 1934 that the Billesdon Drama Society was formed. The vicars wife at the time, a Mrs McCandles, together with Vi Day, Grace Grocock, Phil Toone and Marjorie Bates were amongst the stalwarts and to them we owe a debt of gratitude for creating our vibrant society.

Like the old Windmill Theatre we have never closed! *

We would like to thank everyone who has supported us over this time and, having now celebrated our 88th year, we hope you will continue to come and enjoy our future performances.

*until the Coronavirus pandemic scotched our plans!